Unlock the secrets to your fatigue and symptoms with Hair Trace Mineral Analysis
Why Hair Trace Mineral Analysis Testing?
Let's face it: you've probably spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours and dollars trying different supplements and prescriptions that have done nothing for that bone-tired exhaustion you feel after a day out with your kids...
...or thinking about planning a social outing
...or after a long day of work only to still be faced with the overwhelming tasks of dinner, bath time, and bedtime.
And to add to it, you've probably done tons of labs and tests with your doctor, Naturopath, or even Chiropractor but everything has come back normal leaving you feeling like this is just what "mom life" is.
And yet, you feel anything BUT.
So what gives?!
First, I want you to know you're not alone, mama.
The thing is, your labs weren't just "normal". They were the wrong labs. And that's why they didn't give you answers or actionable information.
Here are just a few ways those "normal" labs have kept you stuck:
blood labs only look at a single point-in-time, not the patterns or trends in your body
blood is a TRANSPORT mechanism, it doesn't show what your body is storing or deficient in, only what is moving from location A to location B in the body
blood is tightly regulated in the body and will pull nutrients from a cellular level to stay in range
Duh, no wonder they came back "normal" - everything is being done on a snapshot of time based on that exact day and how well your body can compensate for the unseen.
But still the question remains: how do we get actionable info so that you're not just an exhausted shell of yourself and you can get back to the fun-loving, energetic woman you used to be?
The answer is simple. We need to be looking at SPARK PLUG activity.
We need to be looking at MINERALS.
Enter: the Hair Trace Mineral Analysis (HTMA) functional lab.
Minerals are like "spark plugs" in the body. Nothing runs without them and your body can't create them on it's own.
Find Effortless Energy Once Again
Here's how the Hair Trace Mineral Analysis (HTMA) testing overcomes all of the limitations of "normal" testing:
It looks at a 3 month history at a cellular level
Rather than the tightly regulated point in time snapshot we see in bloodwork, the HTMA looks at a 3 month average so that we know what minerals are being used up at high rates and which ones you need more of.
It looks at minerals in relation to one another
Nothing works in isolation in the body and looking at singular nutrient levels (like vitamin D, B12, etc.) can lead to over supplementation without the necessary cofactors to help these nutrients work effectively in the body.
It shows us your stage of stress
So that we know how your adrenals, thyroid, metabolism, and more have been affected and can create a plan to restore balance to these energy producing and regulating glands so that you can feel your best.
Looks at heavy metals that are leaving the body
So that we know how to support detoxification and reduce exposures for an overall improvement in inflammation, mental health, and even menstrual issues due to heavy metals
If you’ve been searching for an answer to your unexplained fatigue, mood swings, and general sense of feeling like crap, and you’re still struggling, there’s one thing for sure...
You need to be looking at MINERALS.
Sick and tired of feeling tired all the time?? Can’t seem to find answers for your non-stop fatigue??
The HTMA is such a helpful tool in assessing mineral status, heavy metals, AND the function of different body systems, all of which massively impact your energy levels.
I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve run the HTMA for a client and we’ve come back with clear answers to how they’re feeling…in spite of all of their other tests being “normal”.
And as you can see in the HTMA walkthrough video below, not only do we get answers, but we know *how* to address them.
What’s We Can Learn from the HTMA
✓ Stress Response
The ratio of sodium to potassium gives insight into how the body is responding to stress plus how well the cells can get nutrients in and wastes out. A high ratio is typically more of a sign of the body being resilient to current stress, whereas a low ratio can indicate the body resisting chronic, long-term stress.
✓ Adrenal Function
The ratio of sodium to magnesium gives insight into energy production and how your body is responding to stress. If you think of the body like a car, the adrenal glands are like the gas tank. The stronger they are, the more capacity they have to create energy.
✓ Nervous System Dominance
The ratio of calcium to phosphorus gives insight into autonomic nervous system balance including whether the fight or flight or rest and digest branch of the nervous system is dominant. This helps determine one’s primary metabolic type and influences the right diet for an individual.
✓ Thyroid Hormone Utilization
The calcium to potassium ratio gives insight into cellular sensitivity to thyroid hormones and therefore, how well you are utilizing energy in the body. A high ratio can indicate thyroid hormone and other nutrients have a hard time getting inside the cells whereas a low ratio can be indicative of stress and excess heavy metal. In the car analogy from the adrenal ratio, the thyroid is like the gas petal. The more this is pressed, the more energy you will burn up.
✓ Blood Sugar Balance
The calcium to magnesium ratio gives insight into how the body is handling blood sugar and tolerating carbohydrates, plus can give clues about lifestyle factors impacting health.
&&& More
In addition to the above, the HTMA also gives us insights into the body’s digestive and detoxification capability as well as whether or not there are heavy metals that may be impacting nutrient absorption and stressing the body, thus leading to symptoms.