How You Can Be a High-Achiever and Still Appear Lazy and Unmotivated
People with adrenal exhaustion (when the adrenals bottom out after too long of being fatigued) or chronic fatigue can appear quite normal but, inside, they live with a feeling of always having to push themselves too far.
“Are you kidding me?! I asked you to do one simple thing and you couldn’t even do it right!!!”
“If I want things done right, I have to do them all by myself! Is it too hard to get a little help around here?!”
We've all been there.
In times of stress, our bodies go on high alert and suddenly the simple things that create balance in our lives seem impossible. We notice it bubbling over into many other areas of our life, including work, relationship, parenting, sleep, and possibly even weight gain.
We lose control of our emotions and feel chaotic and overwhelmed.
We “hit a wall” and crash into depression, or worse, because our bodies are spent and completely exhausted.
We fight with our spouses and feel like we’re constantly yelling at our kids.
This is called adrenal fatigue and is the results of our primal “fight or flight” stress response never getting a break.
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"If we are constantly over-worked, undernourished, over-training, and exposed to trauma or chronic toxins with no sign of a break, there's really no let-up for the adrenal glands, and eventually, they are no longer able to adapt to stress."
Our adrenal glands kick all systems into high gear when we're stressed. As their name implies, the adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, cortisol, among other potent hormones to help you respond to stress by rushing your whole body into “fight or flight” mode.
Our adrenal glands either signal our bodies to rage against whatever illness or irritant is causing the stress, or flee to a safe place where the stress can be avoided.
To fight, our adrenal glands signal the heart to work harder, increasing the heart rate and elevating blood pressure. Energy use increases immediately as demands on the body's stores increase under the influence of the adrenal hormones. Then, when the crisis is gone, the adrenal glands restore themselves and replenish energy supplies for the next emergency.
However, if we are constantly over-worked, undernourished, over-training, and exposed to trauma or chronic toxins with no sign of a break, there's really no let-up for the adrenal glands, and eventually, they are no longer able to adapt to stress.
And that’s when all of our internal systems start to break down.
When this happens, the effects can be widespread and long-lasting, causing suppression of the immune system, hormonal imbalance, skin flare-ups, autoimmune diseases and mood disorders. Adrenal fatigue is, indeed, the underlying factor in many stress-related conditions ranging from cardiovascular disease, to colitis, chronic fatigue to Alzheimer's.
People with adrenal exhaustion (when the adrenals bottom out after too long of being fatigued) or chronic fatigue can appear quite normal but, inside, they live with a feeling of always having to push themselves too far. To keep themselves going, these exhausted people rely on stimulants such as caffeine or sugar.
Often, people with worn out adrenal glands seem lazy or unmotivated but quite the opposite is true – they tend to be high-achiever or workaholics. In their state of adrenal exhaustion, unfortunately, they have to push themselves harder to merely accomplish the basic tasks.
In this short video, I discuss the stages of adrenal fatigue and how your biology and symptoms change through each one.
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After watching the interview, think about which stage you're in. And if you're ready to nourish your adrenals and bring yourself out of adrenal fatigue, let's chat.
You can book a Stress Breakthrough Call and we can dig in to what stage you're in, how that's impacting you, and a path to get you back to feeling like yourself.
#momlife or Adrenal Fatigue?
Wondering which one it is and whether or not your symptoms are really "normal"? Click the button below to find out.
Here's what's inside:
- How to raise mood-boosting hormones (...and stop living at the end of a short fuse, impatient, and unable to control reactions)
- Waking up refreshed whether it's 5 hours or 8 hours [who gets that, anyway?!]
- Learn how to kick-start energy hormones (EVEN IF the doctor says it's normal to feel tired)
- Little known secrets working moms do in order to enjoy life - even on the tough days
- How to handle whatever happens in life without overwhelm and burnout