Fatigue and Exhaustion Are the Most MISUNDERSTOOD Conditions Yet The Most SIMPLE To Solve Once You Unlock Your Unique Mineral Pattern

So let's get mineral balancing like a mother and figure it out!

This is for you if...

  • You’re tired of being jerked around by the medical community

  • You WANT to feel normal again

  • You WANT to spend what little time and energy you have focused only on the things that will move the needle for you (𝘪.𝘦., 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘨𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘴)⁣


The membership for mamas who want testing that actually gives them ANSWERS instead of comes back "normal".

Let's face it.


You've probably spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours and dollars trying different supplements and prescriptions that have done nothing for that bone-tired exhaustion you feel after a day out with your kids...


...or thinking about planning a social outing

...or after a long day of work only to still be faced with the overwhelming tasks of dinner, bath time, and bedtime.


And to add to it, you've probably done tons of labs and tests with your doctor, Naturopath, or even Chiropractor but everything has come back normal leaving you feeling like this is just what "mom life" is.


And yet, you feel anything BUT. So what gives?!


First, I want you to know you're not alone, mama.


The thing is, your labs weren't just "normal". They were the wrong labs. And that's why they didn't give you answers or actionable information.


Here are just a few ways those "normal" labs have kept you stuck:

  • blood labs only look at a single point-in-time, not the patterns or trends in your body
  • blood is a TRANSPORT mechanism, it doesn't show what your body is storing or deficient in, only what is moving from location A to location B in the body
  • blood is tightly regulated in the body and will pull nutrients from a cellular level to stay in range


Duh, no wonder they came back "normal" - everything is being done on a snapshot of time based on that exact day and how well your body can compensate for the unseen.


But what about the functional labs, you ask?


Hear me out.


DUTCH tests are great, but they only tell you that your hormones are imbalanced, not WHY, or what is going on with the minerals you need to CREATE those hormones.


Stool tests are the shit - pun intended - but they don't tell us what toxicities and deficiencies enabled you to be a hospitable host for those bad gut bugs.


Meaning: none of those tests are really actionable, they're only nice-to-know.


So how do we get actionable so that you're not just an exhausted shell of yourself and you can get back to the fun-loving, energetic woman you used to be?

#momadrenal Mineral Mapping: use the functional test designed to unlock the mineral pattern that's keeping you exhausted

The #momadrenal Mineral Mapping Membership is designed to help you simplify your health journey so that get the right functional test to understand the WHY behind what you’re feeling (so that you never go back to feel this way)⁣.

And most importantly, streamline a healing protocol specific to your unique physiology so that you're no long wasting precious time and energy trying #allthethings. The Membership includes:
  • A Hair Trace Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test

    Find out how your body is functioning, your specific imbalances, heavy metals, hormone health, adrenal health, and more. No more guessing what you need to feel better!

  • Live Group Coaching

    If you've ever wanted to work 1:1 with me, these calls are the next best thing (for a fraction of the cost of my 1:1 services)! On these monthly calls, everyone in the membership will be invited to listen in while I answer questions and give 1:1 feedback and suggestions. (Only a select few clients will be chosen for these calls on a first come, first serve basis, so if you know you want to join us, don't wait!)

  • Personalized HTMA Protocol and Nutrition Plan

    Your body craves the right balance of essential minerals to function optimally - NOT another fad, restrictive diet. We'll create a personalized HTMA protocol and nutrition plan that's tailored to your unique needsto support Hormone Balance, Detoxification, Digestion, Mineral Imbalances and Metabolic Health. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all diets and hello to a plan that's all about you and the fact that our diet can't always be perfect in #momlife. This is the key to the kingdom and what sets it apart other program because it's based on what you're missing...and when you replenish what you're missing results can be quick.

  • Supplement Guidance

    Sometimes, your body needs a little extra support to restore its mineral balance. Our experts will guide you on choosing the right supplements and using them effectively, so you get the maximum benefits without the negative, costly side-effects that can happen when you blindly take supplementation

  • Metabolic and Adrenal Assessments

    So we’ll know exactly what areas of your body need the most support and we can jumpstart your energy so you can feel better quicker. We'll closely monitor your progress, provide weekly feedback with small tweaks you can implement, and make adjustments to your plan when needed

  • Handouts and Resources

    Knowledge is power. You'll have access to a wealth of bite-sized, easy-to-consume and understand educational materials, hormone- and adrenal-friendly recipes that will deepen your understanding of mineral balance and its profound impact on your health. We're here to empower you with the wisdom you need to make informed choices, including taking back control of how you feel each and every day. 


Bottom line: the Membership is the equivalent to having a cheatsheet for your body.

Carmen HTMA Review

Find effortless energy once again

If you’ve been searching for an answer to your unexplained fatigue, mood swings, and general sense of feeling like crap, and you’re still struggling, there’s one thing for sure...⁣⁣


We need to be looking at SPARK PLUG activity.


We need to be looking at MINERALS.


But at best, your doctor has only looked at the processes controlled by those mineral spark plugs but not whether you have deficiencies, toxicity, or compensation in the actual spark plugs that run those reactions in your body


(e.g., they'll look at your hormones but not the minerals needed to CREATE those hormones; they'll look at your inflammation markers but not the toxicities contributing to that inflammation, etc.)


And the hormones, digestion, low ferritin, low vitamin D is never the problem, that’s just a symptom of a deeper #mineralimbalance.

More energy, less nauseous, legs don't feel as heavy
decreasing Zoloft and feeling good
Better sleep and libido
Gut is getting stronger

Minerals are like "spark plugs" in the body. Nothing runs without them and your body can't create them on it's own.

Here's how the Hair Trace Mineral Analysis (HTMA) testing overcomes all of the limitations of "normal" testing:

  • it looks at a 3 month history of what’s happening in your body

    Rather than the point in time snapshot we see in bloodwork

  • It shows us your stage of stress

    So that we know how your adrenals, thyroid, metabolism, and more have been affected

  • It looks at tissue and cells which are “storage”

    Rather than tightly regulated transport like blood⁣⁣ so that we know what minerals are being used up at high rates and which ones you need more of

  • Looks at minerals in relation to one another

    Rather than in isolation (which is useless since nutrients never work in isolation in the body)

  • Looks at heavy metals that are leaving the body

    So that we know how to support detoxification and reduce exposures for an overall improvement in inflammation, mental health, and even menstrual issues due to heavy metals


What You Can Learn from the HTMA

Because the HTMA looks at minerals in relation to one another rather than in isolation, you can learn a lot about how your different body systems are functioning including:

  • Stress Response

  • Adrenal Function

  • Metabolic Rate

  • Thyroid Hormone Utilization

  • Digestion

  • Blood Sugar Balance

  • Detoxification

  • Heavy Metals

  • And More


And because I'm sure there's still that small doubt in your mind because of your previous experiences, I can hand-to-my-heart promise you that I've never once had a woman who felt like shit have a "normal" HTMA.


But what it did give them was validation and the answers they've been so desperately seeking. Are you ready for the same thing?

Client testimonial for HTMA protocol and analysis

You know that how you feel isn't normal, now let's get you answers, a plan, and some accountability to change that!

What Our Members Are Experiencing in the First 6 Weeks...

Finally feeling satiated after meals
No gut flares in 30 days
Waking up and not having fluttery feeling in my chest
Good overall digestion with less bloating and gas
Body thrives on minerals
Lighter period and less PMS

Join the #momadrenal Mineral Mapping Membership today!

Graphic depicting some of the features and assets inside the membership
Monthly Payment Plan

$179 per month for 4 months, set on autopay.

Pay In Full
$716 $697

One time payment of $697.

$716 $697

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