HTMA Testing tells us what your doctors NEVER will

Sick and tired of feeling tired all the time?? Can’t seem to find answers for your non-stop fatigue?? The HTMA is such a helpful tool in assessing mineral status, heavy metals, AND the function of different body systems, all of which massively impact your energy levels.


I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve run the HTMA for a client and we’ve come back with clear answers to how they’re feeling…in spite of all of their other tests being “normal”.


And as you can see in the HTMA walkthrough video below, not only do we get answers, but we know *how* to address them.

HTMA Walkthrough Client Case Studies


If you’re ready to stop guessing, stop trying all the things, and stop spinning your wheels trying to feel your best, enrollment for The Calm and Balanced Mama Method is now open.


I have a few spots left for the month of April where we'll work together for 12 weeks in a small group setting to break the positive cortisol feedback look and then take a root cause focused approach to help you heal you feel good again.

Client testimonial for HTMA protocol and analysis
HTMA review

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